Wednesday, February 2, 2011

To blog or not to blog is always the question...

Sometimes blogging is much easier when you have a purpose, when you have some guidance, when you have simple rules to follow. So I'll attempt to do the 30 Day Challenge.

The Rules:
Day One- A recent picture of yourself and fifteen interesting facts.

Day Two- The meaning behind your blog name.

Day Three -A picture of you and your friends.

Day Four- A habit that you wish you didn’t have.

Day Five- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to.

Day Six- Favorite super hero and why.

Day Seven- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

Day Eight - Short term goals for this month and why.

Day Nine - Something you’re proud of in the past few days.

Day Ten - Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad.

Day Eleven - Another picture of you and your friends.

Day Twelve - How you found out about blogger and why you have one.

Day Thirteen - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

Day Fourteen - A picture of you and your family.

Day Fifteen - Put your ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play.

Day Sixteen - Another picture of yourself.

Day Seventeen - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.

Day Eighteen - Plans/dreams/goals you have.

Day Nineteen - Nicknames you have and why you have them.

Day Twenty - Someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future.

Day Twenty one - A picture of something that makes you happy.

Day Twenty two - What makes you different from everyone else.

Day Twenty three - Something you crave for a lot.

Day Twenty four - A letter to your parents.

Day Twenty five - What I would find in your bag.

Day Twenty six - What do you think about your friends?

Day Twenty eight - A picture from you last year, and now. What has changed since then?

Day Twenty nine - In this past month, what have you learned?

Day Thirty - Your favorite song