Friday, February 11, 2011

Insanity in my head.

My dream....

I had to go to the doctor for something & they injected me with botox. I felt like I was blowing up like a balloon. I went to my mom (yes, in my dream she was very alive :( ... ) to tell her, with tears streaming down my face, that I was gonna blow up. She said well let's go to the doctor & I said no, I'll go lay down for a minute.

So I went & laid my head on the desk of the Moneycenter. This guy came over to send some money, the computer was completely different & I couldn't get it to work right. The phone was ringing & I couldn't put the person on hold, I kept putting them on speaker phone. Briana was standing beside me asking me a bunch of questions. I pushed a button & a radio came on, so I gave up & walked away.

I went to this couples house, I don't even know who it was, it was a man & a woman. We got lit up, had a couple drinks & smoked. They said we had to go somewhere, they needed something. I said I am way to lit up to drive, they didn't care. I was a basket case driving, totally freaking out. We were going up a hill & the van started to sputter & act like it was going to die, then it kicked back up again & went on.

As we topped the hill, we were face to face with a rusted out VW van, then the VW van stopped & flipped backward, we were looking straight down at a big green field with train tracks going right through it and a big freight train running down the tracks. We were yelling oh shit, that van is gonna land on the train & it did. The guy was ejected from the van, the van hit a freight car, a washer & dryer came busting out & flew up towards us, the washer looked like it was going to hit us & then it fell back down to earth & hit the train.

The train was wrecked, the cars were jamming up & flipping all over. Someone in the background was talking, like they were reporting it on the news, describing what was happening. Then the guy that was ejected was running over the top of the wreckage of the train & through fire. The announcer guy in the back ground was yelling frantically about the running man...

Then I woke up.