Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 10: Music... Part 1

Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad.

I probably don't need to tell you, I was very much looking forward to this one!! Music is my everything!!

I don't get angry very often, usually when I do it's because the future ex royally pissed me off :P . This is his song, all his, has been for a long time!!

When I'm sad I listen to sad sappy rock love songs, LOL. Usually when I am sad it's because I'm missing someone. I have a few that are my faves right now.

When I'm hyped, it's gotta be loud & fast. Naturally I can't think of anything because I'm kinda stuck in those 3 songs up above :P .

I'm bored right now, so I went old school with some G N' R, when I'm bored I listen to what is not on my iPod & wishing I could put it on my iPod. But since Limewire is defunct, I use my iTunes card, I have become much more selective since I have had to start paying, LOL.

Remember the days when you had to actually buy a CD when you heard songs you liked?? I feel old :P .

I am almost always happy so I listen to a wide variety. generally I listen to rock, but I love love love classic rock, always makes me think of my mom.

One of the greatest songs of all time, for me anyway :P . One of my songs!!

Another of my songs, LOVE IT!!!

I do like some country but it has to be country rock or it has to touch me. I'm not a big fan of rap/hip hop but there are a few songs that I can tolerate. But generally I go between classic rock & hard rock/metal. I could post videos all night long, but you get the idea.