Thursday, November 6, 2008

Is it Saturday yet?

I am tired.

Kid has drank like every night this week. I don't feel it so much when I am not here. But when I am, I just get so annoyed. I don't think he realizes how much I dislike him when he has a buzz. I don't like the way he talks & acts when he has a buzz. Even if he is being nice, he is unbelievably annoying. I know he thinks the reason he nearly lost me is because of how mean he was being, but it is so so much more than that. *sigh* I don't want this anymore.

He is working tomorrow, with Joe. He isn't sure how long he will be working so he could be making $80 to $100. He said all he needs is $20 for gas & maybe $10 for Cash 3 tickets & he'll give me the rest. Grrrrrrrr, lotto, fuck lotto. But I won't say anything.

The sad thing is, we, well more specifically, Kid, doesn't want Cheyenne to walk home from the bus stop, I know she would be fine. We have noone at all to pick the kids up, so they are staying home from school. He isn't sure if he will be home by 4 & my hours are 12 to 9 tomorrow. I could possibly take my lunch, which is an hour, at 4 to 5 or 4:30 to 5:30 but the timing on Cheyenne's bus isn't specific enough & I can't be certain I could take my lunch at that time. So, we said fuck it, they will stay home.

I made my phone calls this afternoon, I didn't get anywhere *sigh* so I went to bed. I'm going to call FPL tomorrow & see if they will still cut us off on Monday even though we paid $200 on the final notice, though I know I should just pay the other $96 & be done with it.

Well, that is where I am at right now. I'm going to go listen to the hockey game on the radio & get ready for bed.