Friday, November 14, 2008

Fucking annoying.....

Kid's been drinking & not only that, he bought a case of beer tonight so that means he will be back to drinking every night.

He sat here, blah, blah, blah-ing at me about stupid shit, looking at me with that glazed over dumb ass look on his face. I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I have a headache, have had it all night, my eyes hurt, I feel sick, I'm just going to go to bed. I told him I just need to go to bed. Then he said "What, do you want to talk to someone, is that why you want me to go to bed?" He apparently heard me tell him to go to bed.

What the fuck?????

I hate when he has been drinking, hate it, hate it, hate it!!!!!!!

I'm working 3 to 12 tomorrow & 3 to 11 on Sunday so I won't have to deal with it but for a short time, thankfully.

Well, I just wanted to bitch, I'm off to bed, I need to get rid of this headache. Plus I need to be up kind of early in the am to take the kids clothes shopping, cold front coming & they need some stuff.
