Thursday, January 5, 2012

Assume... to make an ASS out of U & ME

We have become a society where the words on a screen have become the only knowledge we have of someone & we form an opinion of someone based on those random words. We have stopped caring about who they actually are. Words are just words. I can say stupid shit all day long & you will ASSUME you know me. I drink a few beers & you ASSUME I'm an alcoholic. I flirt randomly with someone, because that is what I do & you ASSUME I want to sleep with them. When will you stop making up your mind about me & just freaking ask me?

Yes, we all do it, I do it too. But if I really want to know, I'm going to come right out & ask you. Communication is what makes relationships of every form work. Friendships will not last without honesty & communication. But in order to be a good friend to someone, you need to accept them for all their flaws & realize that they are no different than you. They struggle every day with life, with family, with love. The only difference between you & me is the way we react to a similar situation. Your pain & your problems are not bigger than mine nor are they less than mine. And making you feel less about yourself is NOT going to lessen my pain. So respect each other, love each other & live in peace together knowing that we are all here together, we might as well learn now how to do it with happiness.